Award-winning Life Coach for women

Helping women overcome fear, gain confidence, become successful, and get rich.


Award-winning Life Coach for women

Helping women overcome fear, gain confidence, become successful, and get rich.

Your personal, professional, and financial liberation starts NOW!

Elevate your life, business, and financial status...

If you want a rich life, you have to create one.

If you struggle with any of these:

  • Life direction and alignment - You feel the life you are living does not align with your inner vision, your mission, and your purpose.
  • Confidence - You struggle to feel confident in yourself and you find it difficult to communicate your value to other people confidently.
  • Self-doubt and imposter syndrome - You doubt yourself and your ability to succeed.
  • Fear - You feel an inner calling for more, but you struggle with fear when it comes to putting yourself out there, being seen, and taking massive action.
  • Negative emotion - You feel anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, and/or shame.
  • Limiting beliefs - You want more from your life but you feel held back by your own limiting beliefs.
  • Unhealed trauma - You have unresolved and unhealed trauma from the past.
  • Anxiety and overwhelm - You feel held back by anxiety and/or overwhelm.
  • Procrastination - You want to do more but find yourself procrastinating. You put things off and then feel bad about having done so.
  • Indecisiveness - You are unable to make decisions quickly and easily.
  • Stagnation in your career - You feel stuck in your career or entrepreneurial journey and you want to start or grow your own business or move to a higher position in your career.
  • Lack of money - You are not earning the income you want.
  • Perfectionism - You find yourself grappling with the challenges of perfectionism and the reluctance to relinquish control, coupled with undervaluing yourself and the substantial value you offer.
  • Inner conflict - You say one thing, but do another.
  • Communication - You struggle to express yourself, assert healthy boundaries, and ask for what you want.
  • Relationships - You are not fulfilled in your relationships.
  • Health and energy - You feel tired, exhausted, and unhealthy.

BUT... you have a desire for:

  • Life by design - You want to unlock and unleash your highest potential and manifest the future of your dreams. 
  • Healing - You want to heal past pain and trauma, break free from familial and societal conditioning, and feel incredible - emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
  • Removal of limiting beliefs and negative emotions - You want to clear all the blocks (conscious and unconscious), deal powerfully with life’s challenges, and gain unlimited personal power enabling you to become unstoppable in creating your dream life.
  • Epic transformation - You want to be the change, own your worth, and create limitless wealth.
  • Unstoppable confidence - You want to feel incredible about yourself, communicate your value to other people like a total boss, and go for what you want with 100% confidence and self-belief.
  • Love - You want to feel self-love and forge deeper connections with yourself and others.
  • Career - You want to earn more and work less in a career you love.
  • Business - You want to build a soul-aligned million dollar brand without struggle and sacrifice, and rapidly scale your business with ease.
  • Become a rich CEO - You want to magnetise your dream clients, manifest more sales, and create more influence online. On repeat. 
  • 10X your income - You want to own your voice, rise into abundance, influence, and true freedom, and earn six or seven figures following your passion and soul purpose.
  • Sell and serve - You want to share your gifts to create limitless impact and income, and receive your desires through magnetism, not through pushing and chasing.
  • Be the change - You want to completely transform your frequency, connect to your divine feminine power, and embody powerful leadership.
  • Quantum leap your success - You want to become a powerful creator, quantum leap your success, and manifest abundant wealth.
  • Fulfilment and enlightenment - You want to feel immense joy in each moment, and evolve to higher levels of consciousness.
  • Happiness, strength and peace - You want to live a happy, healthy life, tap into the power of your own strength, and be true to yourself.
  • Relationships - You desire deeper connections personally and professionally.
  • Abundant health and energy - You want to feel energised, healthy, and passionate about your life.

After working with Jasmine, I managed to successfully increase my business by 290% within just 6 months! 


Elita, Australia

Founder of Elite Edge Accounting



Monica, CANADA

Susan, USA


“After working with Jasmine, I managed to successfully increase my business by 290% within just 6 months!

“I am deeply appreciative of the empowering course you have provided. It has undeniably elevated my self-confidence to new heights, with evident outcomes permeating both my business and my relationships.
“Prior to enrolling in this course, I found myself consistently prioritizing the needs of others above my own. Consequently, I held the belief that acquiring necessary items or engaging in desired experiences was beyond my financial reach. I am now fully aware that I deserve more, and I am capable of attaining what I desire.
“A newfound sense of strength and empowerment courses through me. Already, I'm successfully achieving my financial, physical, and emotional goals – a source of immense pride. Jas, your guidance and support have been invaluable. Thank you for everything!”
"During the program, I closed two new contracts three times higher than my previous contracts and I am immensely grateful for the skills and confidence I have gained, which have catapulted my personal and professional growth!

"I embarked on a 6-week journey with Jasmine, an extraordinary business and life coach, and my expectations were truly surpassed. Jasmine's insightful guidance, boundless enthusiasm, and well-structured program turned every session into a fun, inspiring, and life-altering experience. I am immensely grateful for the skills and confidence I have gained, which have catapulted my personal and professional growth.
“A must-try for anyone ready to embrace their ambition and redefine their potential!
“I feel truly happy now. I am already creating the success I want and I know I can achieve all of my goals. I have strengthened my relationships with my family and I have been networking and building incredible new relationships professionally and personally.
“Thank you, Jasmine Ashton-Leigh, for being a fantastic and supportive coach. Through your genuine guidance, you helped me unleash my inner strengths and truly see how unstoppable we all can be if we decide to go after it.
“It feels incredible to be a strong and confident woman who is not afraid to bet on herself.”
“I am now fully connected to my own incredible power, love, and beautiful energy that resides within me.
"Throughout this program, I successfully manifested my dream home – a true blessing and a miracle!

"This program has been truly amazing. It delves deep and brings about a sense of liberation. I have managed to release over 30 years' worth of pain and resistance, leaving me feeling incredibly light, uplifted, and free.
“I want to express my heartfelt gratitude. It feels as if you're an angel walking amongst us, bringing your radiant light. Thank you immensely for all that you're doing. This experience has reached profound depths.
“I've previously paid triple the amount to other coaches who haven't come close to providing me with the level of value that you have. Thus, my gratitude is boundless. Thank you very much!"
"Jasmine has helped me to believe in myself, and understand who I am and what I deserve.

“Since working with Jasmine, I do not carry around past pains. I’m looking at now and constantly moving forward. I’m not wasting time anymore thinking; I’m doing. I’m better at knowing when to take a break too.
"Relationships are now easy because I’m being honest about who I am and who I want around me. My partner and I are in an amazing place and are closer than ever. I’m fitter, stronger, and healthier and I am truly, honestly enjoying life a whole lot more since Jasmine and I started working together.
"I have increased my earnings by $500 a week and I am cruising at art school and having a ball. I have so much to be grateful for and I thank Jasmine so much for everything she did for me. It opened my eyes to who I truly am and I am very happy with me.
“Jazz, you’re a Deadset legend. Love you loads xxx”

Heather, USA



Gina, USA

“Working with Jasmine was the best investment I have ever made in myself! I trusted her process and she was amazing!

“Jasmine is gifted in the way that she can identify a limiting belief and in the techniques she uses so that you can break through.
“Is it possible to have a breakthrough every time? Yes!! Every two weeks I experienced the most profound progress. I looked forward to our sessions, and enjoyed them! I could see and feel my progress. Jasmine was committed to helping ensure that I got the most out of each session, whatever time it took to achieve that.
“She was my snowplow and cleared my path so that I could continue on my journey in life without carrying the baggage of my past and struggling with my limiting beliefs.
“I’m free, I feel more empowered than ever before, and I’m happy and at peace as I live my life and work on the goals that I’ve set for myself. I have no doubt or fear. I have everything in me to find my own success now!”
"In a very short time of working with Jasmine and having her guidance, coaching, and support, I have come so far. I am now doing what I truly love!
“It's truly amazing! I am so happy within myself and I am so grateful!

"When I met Jasmine I felt stuck in all areas of my life. I had studied so many different modalities and I was struggling with what I really wanted to do. I kept going from job to job, course to course, and not actually using my skills and knowledge. Also, my relationship was affected because I just felt unhappy within myself.
“It wasn't until I made the decision to hire a coach that I really made huge progress. Having the right coach is so important. Jasmine is so understanding and compassionate and really works from her heart and gives her all. She is genuine, authentic, and amazing. She is so knowledgeable and keeps you accountable.
“Jasmine helped me to work through all of my issues and obstacles. I always felt really understood and heard by her. It's like she just knows what is needed to shift. She really feels you.
“Making the decision to work with Jasmine is one of the best things I have ever done. I only wish that I found her sooner!!”
"This course is by far the best investment I have ever made in myself!

“I have processed some heavy s*@! that I have been carrying around for decades.
I feel lighter and humbled, and I let go of 30 years of pain.
"This course has enlightened me fully and helped me beyond words. Just amazing! Before I started this course I was riddled with anxiety, sadness, and depression, and I had lost faith in everything, including myself.
“Now my relationships are improving with everyone around me and I am communicating with my partner the best I have in 4 years.
“I have a new confidence in myself! I now know I am a gift in this world, I can help myself and others, and I am deserving of money.
“The processes in this program are transcendent. I feel full of light and love, strong, and capable of achieving great things.
“This course is a game changer. It’s on now!
“Love you. Thank you so much for this gift of knowledge. I can see myself only getting stronger now. Happier. Bless you."
"I have had such incredible breakthroughs in how I used to feel about my family, especially my mother and father. This work has been life-changing!
“I'm now also striving ahead in my career and relationships...
“You're amazing, I love you!

"I absolutely love Jasmine! When you meet her, she has an energy that is so infectious! She's extremely knowledgeable and has trained with some of the best mentors in the world!
“I recently wrapped up a 6-week Become Unstoppable course with her. It was an amazing experience and I would definitely recommend it to those who are struggling with life in general. I will be working with Jasmine one-on-one over the course of 6 months and cannot wait to see my results.
“When you put time, energy, and money into investing in yourself, you will always reap the rewards! Invest in Jasmine because she will invest in you!"



“After working with Jasmine, I managed to successfully increase my business by 290% within just 6 months!

“I am deeply appreciative of the empowering course you have provided. It has undeniably elevated my self-confidence to new heights, with evident outcomes permeating both my business and my relationships.
“Prior to enrolling in this course, I found myself consistently prioritizing the needs of others above my own. Consequently, I held the belief that acquiring necessary items or engaging in desired experiences was beyond my financial reach. I am now fully aware that I deserve more, and I am capable of attaining what I desire.
“A newfound sense of strength and empowerment courses through me. Already, I'm successfully achieving my financial, physical, and emotional goals – a source of immense pride. Jas, your guidance and support have been invaluable. Thank you for everything!”

Monica, CANADA

"During the program, I closed two new contracts three times higher than my previous contracts and I am immensely grateful for the skills and confidence I have gained, which have catapulted my personal and professional growth!

"I embarked on a 6-week journey with Jasmine, an extraordinary business and life coach, and my expectations were truly surpassed. Jasmine's insightful guidance, boundless enthusiasm, and well-structured program turned every session into a fun, inspiring, and life-altering experience. I am immensely grateful for the skills and confidence I have gained, which have catapulted my personal and professional growth.
“A must-try for anyone ready to embrace their ambition and redefine their potential!
“I feel truly happy now. I am already creating the success I want and I know I can achieve all of my goals. I have strengthened my relationships with my family and I have been networking and building incredible new relationships professionally and personally.
“Thank you, Jasmine Ashton-Leigh, for being a fantastic and supportive coach. Through your genuine guidance, you helped me unleash my inner strengths and truly see how unstoppable we all can be if we decide to go after it.
“It feels incredible to be a strong and confident woman who is not afraid to bet on herself.”

Susan, USA

“I am now fully connected to my own incredible power, love, and beautiful energy that resides within me.
"Throughout this program, I successfully manifested my dream home – a true blessing and a miracle!

"This program has been truly amazing. It delves deep and brings about a sense of liberation. I have managed to release over 30 years' worth of pain and resistance, leaving me feeling incredibly light, uplifted, and free.
“I want to express my heartfelt gratitude. It feels as if you're an angel walking amongst us, bringing your radiant light. Thank you immensely for all that you're doing. This experience has reached profound depths.
“I've previously paid triple the amount to other coaches who haven't come close to providing me with the level of value that you have. Thus, my gratitude is boundless. Thank you very much!"


"Jasmine has helped me to believe in myself, and understand who I am and what I deserve.

“Since working with Jasmine, I do not carry around past pains. I’m looking at now and constantly moving forward. I’m not wasting time anymore thinking; I’m doing. I’m better at knowing when to take a break too.
"Relationships are now easy because I’m being honest about who I am and who I want around me. My partner and I are in an amazing place and are closer than ever. I’m fitter, stronger, and healthier and I am truly, honestly enjoying life a whole lot more since Jasmine and I started working together.
"I have increased my earnings by $500 a week and I am cruising at art school and having a ball. I have so much to be grateful for and I thank Jasmine so much for everything she did for me. It opened my eyes to who I truly am and I am very happy with me.
“Jazz, you’re a Deadset legend. Love you loads xxx”

CEO Jasmine Ashton-Leigh

becomes emotionally and financially empowered, she changes the world.

Manifest like a queen, transform your relationship with money, ask and receive more, and propel your career growth to achieve the abundance, freedom, and success!

In the course, we cover….

  • How your past programming around money stops you from achieving financial success and what to do instead to increase your income and accelerate your path to financial freedom.

    BONUS… Money Blueprint Self-Assessment Quiz!

  • The mistake that 90% of people make when it comes to earning money and how to make sure you avoid it! Break free from the money-blocks that have been limiting your success.
  • How to use the power of your subconscious mind to think like a millionaire and start attracting copious amounts of money.

    BONUS… Money Manifestation Meditation MP3.

  • 7-Days to 7-Figures Business Plan.

    BONUS… Ultimate Career Guide.

  • The 4 critical steps you must follow to reach high-levels of success... miss any one of them and struggle needlessly forever!

  • Why most people struggle financially and the secret to succeeding with ease.

  • How to manage your money like a millionaire to earn more- fast!

  • Checklist to launch your product.

By the end of the course you’ll have the tools to: 

✅   Stop undervaluing yourself
✅   Eliminate Fear and end perfectionism

✅   Stop overstretching yourself and under-earning
✅   Increase your self-worth

✅   Reprogram your subconscious mind to think like a millionaire and earn more

✅   Gain unstoppable confidence to communicate your worth, ask for more money, and increase your income

✅   Learn the millionaire mindset psychology
✅   Create more success

You're only 7 days away from being on track to earn more money than you ever imagined possible!



Jasmine Ashton-Leigh, high performance coach and life coach for women, is transforming the lives of thousands of women worldwide, helping them to overcome fear and self-doubt, gain confidence, become successful, and get rich.

As founder and CEO of Abundant Health and Energy Pty Ltd, one of the world’s leading coaching companies, Jasmine is the authority on women’s empowerment, personal transformation, and business growth. Referred to as an angel, snow plow, rainmaker, and goddess of wealth, she is known for her heart-centered, intuitive, and aligned guidance, which yields epic growth, radical transformation, and revenue for her clients. 

Jasmine employs cutting-edge life coaching and online business coaching technology, merging neuroscience and psychology with the power of the subconscious mind to manifest abundance and success through the law of attraction.









Free 7-Day Training

In this 7-Day Challenge you will reprogram your subconscious mind to think like a millionaire, unlock the keys to wealth creation, and learn how to become rich. You will manifest copious amounts of money and gain strategies for earning 7-figures.

Access Now




6-Week Online Program

In this transformative program you will heal from your past and release all of the resistance between you and your desires. You will breakthrough fear and self-doubt, and gain unstoppable confidence to create unprecedented success   personally, professionally, and financially.


Learn More





n this life-changing 1:1 program, you will experience profound healing, unlock your limitless power, receive business growth tips and guidance to enable you to work less, earn more, and cultivate a career that generates six or seven figures by aligning with your true passion and soul purpose.


Learn More



The power of NeuroEconomic Transformation Therapy™


What is NLP coaching and how can life coaching help me?


What is Hypnosis and how does Hypnosis work?


Ignite your transformation! Join our newsletter for special opportunities, giveaways, and strategies to embrace your financial power, soul path, and sovereign voice.